With Steve-O out like trout it was time for Ryan and Preston
to bring a couple of guys up on stage to be kicked in the balls
by some girls, Ryan picked the kid standing next to me and while
I was dissapointed in some demented way to not be chosen I could
not think of a more deserving candidate at that show for a swift
kick in the balls... or 4.
Ouch, this kid took a few good hits.
And this kid seemed to have this comming to him, but it was all
in good fun.
Ryan then performed the highly technical sleeper hold on one of
the guys who had been kicked in the balls. Ryan took the kid out
cold, then Preston gave him a little dry-hump whilst he was
He's back! And he's OK! Readdy for the last round of stunts...
Flaming Backflip! I could not be more excited about this picture
The flip was great, my timing was good, too bad I had a crappy
camera and suck at using this ancient scanner.
Flaming Frontflip!! That move was nuts, and Steve-O pulled it off
All well and good after that amazing front flip, getting ready
for his final stunt
Getting his hair ready for the fireball off his crew cut
A flick of the lighter and up it goes... and yup thats it I
managed to not get a picture of the final stunt! I also managed
to not get a clear picture of his awesome back tattoo, which is
WAAAAY cooler in person.
This has nothing to do with Steve-O but this is a picture of my
nuts on Drew's head!
HAHAHAHAHA Balls... On Head... Thats what you get for passing out
at 11... pussy.
While you're here be sure to go to The
Milk Challenge!